智威汤逊(JWT)近期公布了《明年值得关注的100件事》年度榜单。“榜单中囊括了包括旅游、技术、食品、零售和可持续发展等各个领域的热门进展”,智威汤逊趋势分析总监Ann Mack说,“同时这个榜单也反映出未来一年在包括朋辈间力量,个性化预测和智能化等方面将会发生更为广泛的变化”。
此次上榜的很多内容都是以科技为中心,其中包括“手机应用饰品”(Appcessories)的激增,数码生态系统(digital ecosystems),可弯曲屏幕(flexible screens)和互动式网页设计等(responsive Web design)。该榜单上还包括了值得关注的新食品和配料(人造肉faux meat,埃塞俄比亚画眉草teff),新式商品或商业(静音产品quiet products,购物酒店shopping hotels),新行为(醒生活mindful living,隐私礼仪privacy etiquette)和一些有潜力成为更具影响力趋势的想法。
智威汤逊2013年值得关注的100件事情,排名不分先后,以英文字母排序(具体内容请登录JWTIntelligence.com“2013 and beyond”章节)
1.3D Bioprinting
2.Adult Playgrounds
3.African Tech Stars
5.Alternative Brand Currencies
6.Ambushed by Amazon
8.The Arabic Web
9.B2C/P2P Partnerships
10. Bee Venom
11. Biometric Authentication
12. Blocking Social Media Bores
13. Chia Seeds
14. Click-and-Collect Shopping
16. Coaching Brands
17. Cool Techie Camps
18. Crowdsourced Translation
19. Cutting out the Middleman
20. Cyber War
21. Dads in the Aisles
22. Data Scientists: The New Hotshots
23. Decline of Chinese Bling
24. Desalination
25. Detoxifying Life
26. Digital Ecosystems
27. Drones
28. ecoATM
29. Egg Freezing
30. Emotion Recognition
31. The End of Voicemail
32. Faux Meat
33. Fitness Beyond the Gym
34. Flexible Screens
35. Food Sharing
36. Frontier Markets
37. G20 Devolves to G-Zero
38. Gender-Blurred Toys
39. Geofencing
40. Green Growth
41. Handwriting = Hieroglyphics
42. Hotels in Africa
43. Human-Centered Tech
44. Humane Food
45. Hyper-Personalized Customer Service
46. Impact Sourcing
47. Imperfection
48. Individual Attention
49. Instant-Erase Apps
50. JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out)
51. Live-Streaming Life
52. Low-Cost Robots
53. Low-Tech Device Charging
54. Media That Gets to Know You
55. Medical Smartphones
56. Menu-Free Dining
57. Midcalorie Foods
58. Mindful Living
59. Mobile-Optimized Goes Mainstream
60. MOOC Stars
61. Nature As Antidote
62. Neurotechnology
63. New Digital Royalty
64. News Bites
65. NFC Tags
66. Objects With Attitude
67. Offset Thinking
68. Online Groceries
69. Paperless Education
70. Passwords 2.0
71. Patchwork Earnings
72. Personal Data Ownership
73. Prime Time for Second Screen
74. Privacy Etiquette
75. Quiet Products
76. Reduced-Guilt Candy
77. Responsive Web Design
78. Retailers Enable Recycling
79. River Cruising
80. Self-Service
81. Serialized Digital Fiction
82. Set Jetting
83. Shopping Hotels
84. Social Media Hacks
85. Standup Desks
86. Stress-Monitoring Apps
87. Sugru
88. Tablet Shopping
89. Tech-Enabled Farm-to-Fork
90. Teff
91. Trade School
92. Trust Ratings
93. User-Based Insurance
94. Variable Pricing
95. Vegetable Boxes
96. Vertical Farming
97. Video Games As Art
98. Window Shopping
99.Wireless Charging
100.100. Yogurt Shops
这是智威汤逊连续第七年在年底发布趋势报告和明年百件值得关注事件榜单。往年智威汤逊的年度榜单中包括:2012年的集体分工式学习(Crowdsourced Learning),Z一代(Gen Z)和智能面料(Smart Clothing);2011年的点对点拼车(P-to-P Car Sharing),上载广播节目(YouTube the Broadcaster)和指甲油经济(The Nail Polish Economy);2010年的椰子汁(Coconut Water)和无处不培根(Bacon Everywhere);2009年的Lady Gaga,维基泄密(Wiki Leaks)和无谷蛋白(Gluten-Free);2008年的彻底透明化(Radical Transparency)和宅(Staycations);2007年的奥巴马(Barack Obama),珍妮佛·哈德逊(Jannifer Hudson),企业趋向环保(Companies Going Green)和年龄重组(Age Shuffling)。